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I. Introduction


                The Rioni Hymnotics is a high fantasy trilogy set in the nine realms of the Rion. The trilogy functions as a history of these inter-connected realms, which were first created, and later maintained, by the all-powerful race of feys known as the Sylphs. The idea was to explore a universe in which the gods that created it were once alive as a thriving race that lived among men and beasts and feys. Since there is an enormous amount of fantasy literature that describes dark powers hatching dark plots, I felt it was time for someone to begin imagining how beings of light, empowered with wisdom and a benevolent spirit, would shape the world.

                So the Sylphs were responsible for bringing about the evolution of humanity, educating them and fostering them as they created a well-founded empire, called the Olymphin, which spanned all the Rion. The Sylphs had powerful magic, and they manifested their will by singing, chanting things into being; they also gave the power of singing magical songs to the feys and humans. Unfortunately, humans went too far, forging their own songs, so that they could create the Enhanced Life Form – or Elf.

                There was unity and prosperity – up until disaster came about in the form of the Elf Battles, horrible conflicts between the superhuman forces, which led to a devastating magical storm which devastated half the Rion, and brought about the end of the Olymphin. At this time, the Sylphs also mysteriously vanished without a trace.

                Thus began the After Days, which set the stage for the New Age.

                In The Sylvan Song the story takes place roughly 500 years after the unexplained disappearance of the Sylphs – in a sort of decline wherein the nine realms are somewhat estranged. The Elfan Song goes back to that time, to outline the Elf Battles, and the underlying reasons for dividing into two factions – the Elf Knights that remained true, and the Dark Elfs who, in their quest for the power of the Sylphs, brought about a final doom.

                The Human Song leaps forward in time by about 500 years, depicting the future that is determined by the character’s choices in The Sylvan Song, and defining the trilogy with an ultimate resolution.



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